by Amy Swartz

Aunt Amy has been really busy.  I wish she would get back to blogging.  At least she bought me some new treats to try, and has been giving me some good massages.  I’m glad she takes pictures so I know what she’s up to.

TTFN, Lucas

epic booth
Epic Pet Health
Newsletter #3, 2013
Happy is 15% off this month

Epic Natural Supplements logo

March was busy with trade fairs, including the Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show. Fourteen new supplements were introduced at the show, which are currently being uploaded to Amazon and our website. Robert Pregulman of was the winner of a supplement of his choice.  I have a few more photos of the dog show on Facebook.


Helping pets live long, happy, healthy lives

Epic Pet Health

Thanks to our customers for the positive feedback recently received:
“I saw an almost immediate improvement in my dog. This product is great!!” (Happy)
Worked very well. My cat’s fur is so shiny and soft now and she doesn’t have any more flakes. Very impressed.”  (Skin)
I am using the Repair and Relief. Easy to use and my dog doesn’t even mind when I spray her face. The Seller quickly responded to my email and recommended specific formulas based on our needs and even followed up to make sure we were happy and seeing positive results.  

Epic’s Natural Supplement Sprays

Millie is the Pet of the Month

Millie, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, was licking and scratching.  Her owner changed her diet and started her on the Clear formula which has reduced her symptoms “a lot” after only a few days.  Isn’t she sweet?

Clear helps with allergies

About Epic Pet Health
We are helping pets live longer, happier, healthier lives.   If you know someone who has an animal needing help, please forward this information to them.  You can also help by liking us on Facebook.
Good health to you and your pets,


Amy Swartz DC 

Happy reduces stress, grief, and separation anxiety.  It helps your pet feel better and get back to normal.


Epic Natural Supplements logo
Calm – For tranquil, relaxed behavior
Clear – Reduces coughing, and allergies
Digest – Decreases offensive body odors
Eye – Reduces brown, itchy discharge
Happy – Reduces stress and anxiety
Legs – Promotes strong, mobile joints
Relief – reduces joint pain and stiffness
Repair – For faster injury recovery
Revive – Increases energy in older pets
Skin – Relieves itchy, flaky skin
Vitality – Helps reduce pain and increase energy


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