by Amy Swartz

Inquiry from “Loving pet parents”:

We have a beautiful 9 1/2 year old Beagle/lab/terrier girl, who started chewing her paws during the time we were away last Dec.although it is much,much better she still does it sometimes. Thought we would try “Happy” to help.Are there any other ingredients other then what is listed?And do you think it will help her?
Thank you so much,

My response:

I do believe it will help her.  Happy is my best selling supplement – some humans use it too. Those are the only ingredients.  The supplements are human grade, odorless and tasteless.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Good health to your whole family and especially to Miss ****.  She sounds sweet.

Amy Swartz DC
Epic Pet Health
206 450 1118