by Amy Swartz

I’m not sure what 3AM means, but I don’t know why it’s any different than 9AM.  When I need to go potty, I need to go.  There’s nothing I can do about it.  If Amy gets up to check on me, what’s the difference whether she takes me outside or I go potty on pee pads?  I want to go outside where I have better traction and I can get some fresh air.  I like for Amy to put on my coat and raincoat to keep me warm.  And then she puts on her own coat and raincoat.  And then she takes all the stuff away from the door that keeps the wind out.  What’s an extra 5 minutes?  She can always try to go back to sleep.


It smells so good outside at 3AM that I like to just stand there and take it all in.  Maybe Amy should relax and enjoy being outside instead of wanting to go inside so quickly.  You’d think she was scared of something.  I know she keeps me safe and picks me up when she sees a raccoon.  I like to remember: The early dog gets the fresh hydrant.


Summer is probably my favorite season because we get up early and take walks late at night. In Seattle it’s practically light at 4AM in the summer.  The weather in Seattle is really great, except when it’s cold and damp at the same time.  Since I started taking Relief, my arthritis is much better and the cold weather doesn’t bother me as much.  I really love this supplement.  It’s made out lives much better.

woof woof
